The outlet for much of the Department of Plant Agriculture's plant breeding efforts, including genetics, genomics, molecular biology and biotechnology, is the creation of new crop varieties and germplasm stocks with enhanced traits. These technologies are licensed by the University's Research Innovation Office to commercial entities in Ontario and beyond. Royalties collected from seed sales of multiple varieties, and germplasm released by the Department's plant breeding programs, bring in over $800,000 to the University annually. This represents the largest and most consistently successful University of Guelph intellectual property revenue stream.
However, the Department of Plant Agriculture's activity is more than just genetics. Our Physiology, Agronomy, and Bioproducts research teams are also active in developing and novel products and processes. As with genetic improvements, novel products and processes are also licensed to external parties for commercial use.
Follow this link for licensing opportunities for recently developed technologies.
The following links detail various technologies Developed by Plant Agriculture Scientists: