UNIV*6020 Applied Ag Stats |
Amir Bazrgar |
PLNT*6800 Special Topics in Plant Science |
Melanie Kalischuk |
PLNT*6400 (W) Seminar |
Elizabeth (Liz) Lee |
PLNT*6280 Invasive Plant Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Systems |
Clarence J. Swanton |
PLNT*6250 Colloquium in Plant Breeding & Genetics |
Helen Booker |
PLNT*6240 (W) Colloquium in Crop Production & Management |
Chris Gillard, David Hooker |
PLNT*6230 Colloquium in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry |
PLNT*6160 Advanced Plant Breeding II |
Lewis Lukens |
PLNT*6140 Biological and Cultural Control of Plant Disease |
Katerina Serlemitsos Jordan |
PLNT*6100 Advanced Plant Breeding I |
Mehrzad (Milad) Eskandari, Istvan Rajcan |
PLNT*6010 Physiology of Crop Yield |
Bernard Grodzinski |
PBIO*4750 Genetic Engineering of Plants |
Francois Tardif |
PBIO*4150 Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Plant Development |
K. Peter Pauls |
PBIO*4070 Biological and Cultural Control of Plant Diseases |
Katerina Serlemitsos Jordan |
PBIO*3120 Plant Physiology |
Eric M. Lyons |
PBIO*3110 Crop Physiology |
Hugh J. Earl |
OAGR*2070 Introduction to Organic Agriculture |
Ruth Knight, Kimberley Schneider |
MBG*4300 Plant Molecular Genetics |
MBG*3100 Plant Genetics |
Helen Booker |
HORT*4450 Advanced Turfgrass Science |
Katerina Serlemitsos Jordan |
HORT*4300 Postharvest Physiology |
Gale Bozzo |
HORT*4200 Plants, Environment and Society |
Eric M. Lyons |
HORT*3430 DE Wine-Grape Culture |
K. Helen Fisher |
HORT*3310 Plants, Food and Health |
HORT*3280 Greenhouse Crop Production |
Bernard Grodzinski, Dave Kerec |
HORT*3270 Medicinal Plants |
Praveen K. Saxena |
HORT*1120 DE Grape and Wine Science |
K. Helen Fisher |
ENVS*4190 Biological Activity of Herbicides |
Francois Tardif |
DTM*4800 Special Study Project II |
Cam Shaw |
DTM*4600 Computer Assisted Design |
Tatijana Vukovic |
DTM*4500 Business and Finance for Turf |
Jordan Kitchen |
DTM*4400 Human Resource Management |
Dean Baker |
DTM*4300 Turf Case Studies |
Cam Shaw |
DTM*4200 Golf Course Design and Construction |
Cam Tyers |
DTM*4000 Turf Management III |
Eric M. Lyons, Katerina Serlemitsos Jordan |
DTM*3800 Special Study Project I |
Cam Shaw |
DTM*2600 Turf Environmental Management |
Sara Stricker |
DTM*2400 Landscape Design |
Stephen Fleischauer |
DTM*2200 Computers and Math for Turf |
DTM*2100 Turf Irrigation and Drainage |
Gary Taylor, Cam Tyers |
DTM*2010 The Identification and Care of Landscape Plants in Turf Environments II |
James (Jamie) Simpson, Mike Van Beek |
DTM*2000 Turf Management I |
Mike Van Beek |
CROP*4220 Cropping Systems |
Joshua Nasielski |
CROP*3300 Grain Crops |
Helen Booker |
BOT*2000 DE Plants, Biology and People |
Jayasankar (Jay) Subramanian |
BOT*1200 Plants and Human Use |
Renuka Karunagoda |
AGR*4600 Agriculture and Food Issues Problem Solving |
Rene Van Acker |
AGR*4460 Research Project II |
Melanie Kalischuk |
AGR*4450 Research Project I |
Melanie Kalischuk |
AGR*3010 (W) Special Studies in Agricultural Science I |
Francois Tardif |
AGR*3010 (S) Special Studies in Agricultural Science I |
Francois Tardif |
AGR*2500 Field Course in International Agriculture |
Max Jones |
AGR*2050 Agroecology |
John Sulik |