2017/18 Graduate Prize for Publishing Winners


The Department of Plant Agriculture is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017-2018 Graduate Prize for Publishing.

Christopher Dumigan (1)
Lauren Erland (3)
Mohammad Erfatpour (1)
Brendan Metzger (2)
Shanthanu Krishna Kumar (1)
Jason Lanoue (2)
Yasmine Farhan(1)

2017 - 2018 Graduate Price for Publishing Winners

Above left to right: Lauren Erland, Jason Erland, Istvan Rajcan, Mohammad Erfatpour

About the Award
The purpose of this award is to encourage graduate students to publish their research during the time they are in the graduate program. A prize will be awarded to graduate students who publish from their thesis work during the time they are registered in the applicable program as a graduate student.

The prize is monetary ($100) and recognition in the Departmental Blog for each peer-reviewed publication that is derived from the student’s thesis work. A student may win the prize multiple times during their graduate program.  The prizes will be awarded on an annual basis.

Eligibility for the prize is determined by the Graduate Awards Committee.

The prize can be initiated by the advisor or the student.

To support the prize the following needs to be submitted:

  *   a copy of the published paper or accepted manuscript (for the latter a copy of correspondence indicating its acceptance)
  *   student must be first author on the manuscript to denote that the student was the major contributor to the manuscript and it will form part of their thesis