Katerina Serlemitsos Jordan
BSc. University of Maryland, Microbiology;
MSc. University of Maryland, Agronomy;
PhD. University of Rhode Island, Plant Sciences
Research Interests:
My areas of research focus on sustainable turfgrass management and plant pathology and nematology of various horticultural crops. One of the chief dilemmas for turfgrass managers is maintaining high quality turf without using excessive amounts of chemicals. I am interested in evaluating different, low maintenance turfgrass species and cultivars and developing integrated pest management systems with the ultimate goal of achieving a high quality end product while combating pests including diseases, insects and weeds. More recently, my research focus has been on the study of root pathogens in turf as well as other crops including strawberries and tomatoes. Ultimately, I am interested in studying plant-soil-pathogen relationships in order to develop sustainable management practices to combat diseases and other pests.
Service Responsibilities:
My primary service commitment is to oversee the turfgrass disease diagnostic clinic housed at the Guelph Turfgrass Institute. The lab diagnoses samples from turfgrass professionals on golf courses, athletic fields and sod farms while recommending practical management schemes specific to each location.
More information about the diagnostic laboratory can be found on the GTI website: http://www.guelphturfgrass.ca/gti-diagnostic-clinic
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Selected Publications:
Shehata, H.R., E.M. Lyons, K.S. Jordan and M.N. Raizada. (2016). Relevance of in vitro agar based screens to characterize the anti-fungal activities of bacterial endophyte communities. BMC Microbiology. 16: 8. DOI: 10.1186/s12866-016-0623-9.
Shehata, H.R., E.M. Lyons, K.S. Jordan and M.N. Raizada. (2016). Bacterial endophytes from wild and ancient maize are able to suppress the fungal pathogen Sclerotinia homoeocarpa. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 120: 756-769.
Evans, B. G., K.S. Jordan, M. Brownbridge and R.H. Hallett. (2015). Effect of temperature and host life stages on efficacy of soil entomopathogens against the swede midge (Diptera: Cecidomylidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 108: 473-483.
McCall, C., M.B. Habash, K.S. Jordan and K.E. Dunfield. (2015). Leaching of nutrients and fecal indicator bacteria from soil after land application of municipal biosolids. Water Research. 70: 255-265.
Hébert, F., E.M. Lyons and K.S. Jordan. (2013). Efficacy of corn gluten meal and hydrolyzed corn gluten meal on weed suppression and cool-season establishment. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 12: 713-718.
Watson, J., E. Lyons, T. Blom, F. Hébert and K. Jordan. (2012). Velvet bentgrass and creeping bentgrass growth, rooting and quality with different rootzone media and fertility regimes. Horticultural Science. 47: 205-211.
Lyons, E.M., K.S. Jordan, D. Hudner, I. James and D. McGowan. (2012). Irrigation frequency influences establishment of silvery thread moss (Bryum argenteum Hedw.) and rooting of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) on simulated golf greens. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. 62: 79-85.
Turner, F.A., K.S. Jordan and R.C. Van Acker. (2012). The recruitment biology and ecology of large and small crabgrass in turfgrass: Implications for management in the context of a cosmetic pesticide ban. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 92 (5): 829-845.
Bassoriello, M. and K.S. Jordan. (2012). First report of Magnaporthe poae, cause of summer patch disease on annual bluegrass, in Canada. Plant Disease. 96: 1698.
Lyons, E., K. Jordan and K. Carey. (2009). Use of wetting agents to relieve hydrophobicity in sand rootzone putting greens. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 11: 1131-1138.
Jordan, K.S., and N.A. Mitkowski. (2006). Population dynamics of plant-parasitic nematodes in golf course greens turf in southern New England. Plant Disease. 90: 501-505.
Mitkowski, N.A., M. Browning, K.S. Jordan, C. Basu and N. Jackson. (2005). Pathogenicity of Xanthamonas translucens pv. poae from annual bluegrass on golf course putting greens. Plant Disease. 89: 465-473.
Uddin, W., K.S. Jordan and G. Viji. (2003). A temperature and leaf wetness duration-based model for prediction of gray leaf spot of perennial ryegrass turf. Phytopathology. 93: 336-343.