M.Sc. Final Oral Exam: Marco Pepe


Interested Members of the University Community are invited to attend the Final Oral Examination for the Degree of Master of Science of Marco Pepe of the Department of Plant Agriculture 

Date: Tuesday, April 19th
Time: 9:30 AM (Virtual)
Method: Via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting:  https://zoom.us/j/94843077318?pwd=MjBlcEZwUUF3U0s1bUlGblgxeG9WQT09
Meeting ID: 948 4307 7318
Passcode: 850785

Thesis Title: Expanding Research Initiatives Relating to Micropropagated Cannabis sativa L. Through Integration of Multidisciplinary Methods.

Advisory Committee 
Dr. Max Jones (Advisor)    
Dr. Bernard Grodzinksi
Dr. Thoms Graham

Examination Committee
Dr. David Wolyn (Chair)
Dr. Max Jones
Dr. Bernard Grodzinski
Dr. Dvoud Torkamaneh                                 


Recently, Cannabis sativa L. (cannabis) has emerged as one of Canada’s most economically important crops. Micropropagation allows efficient production of clonal lines, while minimizing adverse external influences, offering opportunities to meet current demand. However, cannabis specific practices have yet to be refined and current methods are relatively inefficient. Here, we integrate multidisciplinary methods to analyze, model, and predict the effect of various factors on relevant physiological growth characteristics, enhancing our understanding of cannabis in response to in vitro conditioning. Specifically, this work presents technological innovations by adapting and combining machine learning, forced-ventilated gas exchange techniques, and different aqueous and suspension solutions for use with micropropagation. We suggest optimized plant tissue culture methods for both experimental and industrial use with these integrated approaches. Our goal is to enhance research methods and address knowledge gaps relating to in vitro plant development. Ultimately, this research sets the groundwork for a new era of precision micropropagation that overcomes the setbacks associated with traditional experimental approaches and conventional in vitro plant systems.