2023 Muck Grower Information Days


The 2023 Muck Grower Information Days are being held at the Research Centre (Muck Station) tomorrow and Thursday starting at 9:30 am! The carrot session is tomorrow and the onion session is on Thursday. The program is attached and is also available on the website here.

Coffee and lunch will be provided. There is no registration required.

Location: Ontario Crops Research Centre – Bradford (Muck Station) 1125 Woodchoppers Lane King, ON L7B 0E9

If you are unable to attend in person, a virtual option is also available through Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86087324181?pwd=eUVXRExzT0NtUjFpeUJ4K0lmWi92QT09

Meeting ID: 860 8732 4181

Passcode: 240162

