Dr. Caio Canella Viera Seminar: Challenges and Opportunities in Soybean Breeding in the U.S. Mid-South


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TITLE: Challenges and Opportunities in Soybean Breeding in the U.S. Mid-South
SPEAKER: Dr. Caio Canella Vieira, University of Arkansas
LOCATION: Crop Science building, room 307
TIME: 10:00 am
DATE: Wednesday, May 8th

Or By Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99706159784?pwd=djNMUVRqNitOYlE1ajJJM3VRZng5dz09
Meeting ID: 997 0615 9784
Passcode: 397661

Dr. Canella Vieira is visiting the University to serve as External Examiner for the PhD candidate, Deus Mugabe. He has kindly agreed to give a seminar on his research to the Department during his visit.

Short Biography:

Dr. Caio Canella Vieira is an Assistant Professor of soybean breeding at the University of Arkansas, where he leads the University’s soybean breeding program. Previously, he obtained his master's and Ph.D. in Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics at the University of Missouri. In Arkansas, his program targets the development and release of high-yielding conventional and herbicide-resistant soybean cultivars with broad tolerance to biotic and abiotic stressors. The program prioritizes identifying and incorporating economically important traits from genetically diverse accessions into modern, high-yielding genetic backgrounds. Substantial efforts are made to maximize the efficiency of the soybean breeding program through the implementation of data-driven strategies throughout various stages of the pipeline.
Everyone is welcome!