DTM*2400 Landscape Design

course node page

The following description is for the course offering in Winter 2023 and is subject to change. It is provided for information only. The course outline distributed to the class at the beginning of the semester describes the course content and delivery, and defines the methods and criteria to be used in establishing the final grades for the course.

This course covers the principles of landscape design and how different designs, landscape materials, structures and plant materials are integrated to create attractive and functional outdoor environments. The course consists of an introduction to the theory of landscape design and incorporates significant studio time in which students create designs.

Pre-Requisites: DTM*1010 or DTM*1400

Restricted to Associate Diploma students in the Turfgrass Management program


Teaching Assistant:

Credit Weight:


Course Level:

  • Diploma

Academic Department (or campus):

Department of Plant Agriculture



Semester Offering:

  • Winter

Class Schedule and Location:

Please refer to WebAdvisor for class schedule and location.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Know the fundamentals of good landscape design related to aesthetics, function, sustainability and community
  2. Communicate design intentions through graphic illustration 
  3. Understand historical applications of landscape design and apply these to current design practices
  4. Understand the Design Process as a meaningful approach to design projects
  5. Understand the use and organization of both hard and soft landscape materials in landscape design

Lecture Content:

This course will explore the historical influences on modern design and, supported by skills learned in communication techniques and planting and hard landscape design, provide students with instruction as to how to approach design problems and create pleasing and functional landscapes in small space environments.   

Lecture topics will include:

  • Basic drafting and communication techniques   
  • The use of reduced scale in landscape presentations
  • The Design Process
  • Historical design traditions
  • Planting design strategies and applications
  • Hard landscape design strategies and applications
Labs & Seminars:

Lab time (studio) in this course will be used to explore graphic communication techniques that allow designers to effectively share design intentions.   


There are no seminars scheduled for this class.

Course Assignments and Tests:

Assignment or Test Contribution to Final Mark Learning Outcomes Assessed



1, 5









1, 2, 3, 4

Studio Assignment


1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Final Assignment


1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Final examination:

There is no final examination scheduled for this course.

Course Resources:

Additional readings may be assigned as the semester progresses.

Recommended Texts:


Other Resources:

Additional Costs:

The following materials are required and will be available as a drafting kit to purchase:

  • Pencils, HB and 2H - wood or lead technical
  • Sharpener
  • Eraser
  • 45 degree triangle – 8 inch
  • Metric circle template
  • Metric scale 1:100, 1:200 up to 1:500
  • Architect’s scale  ¼ inch, 1/8 inch etc
  • Masking tape – ½ inch width (but any size will suffice)
  • 10 sheets of drafting vellum – 11 x 17 inch
  • Plain bond paper for practicing graphics
Field Trips


Course Policies:

Grading Policies:

All projects are due at beginning of class on due date.  Any projects submitted following this time will be penalized 10 percent per day (including weekends).

Keep paper and /or other reliable back-up copies of all out-of-class assignment as you may be asked to resubmit work at any time.

Course Policy regarding use of electronic devices and recording of lectures:

Electronic recording of classes is expressly forbidden without consent of the instructor. When recordings are permitted they are solely for the use of the authorized student and may not be reproduced, or transmitted to others, without the express written consent of the instructor.


Attendance is the student’s responsibility.  This includes the acquisition of information and materials provided in lecture.  Bring drafting gear to every class.  Be prepared for outdoor sessions.

Other Course Information:

Additional Notes:

  • Most assignments are graphic/visual
  • Some assignments include written reports to encourage literacy and presentation skills
  • Creativity is always encouraged
  • Clean, clear and professional presentation of assignment work is a must
  • Due dates are offered at the beginning of semester.  These dates can be altered if it is agreed that course progress will benefit

University Policies

Academic Consideration

When you find yourself unable to meet an in-course requirement because of illness or compassionate reasons, please advise the course instructor in writing, with your name, id#, and e-mail contact. See the academic calendar for information on regulations and procedures for Academic Consideration:

Academic Misconduct

The University of Guelph is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and it is the responsibility of all members of the University community, faculty, staff, and students  to be aware of what constitutes academic misconduct and to do as much as possible to prevent academic offences from occurring.

University of Guelph students have the responsibility of abiding by the University's policy on academic misconduct regardless of their location of study; faculty, staff and students have the responsibility of supporting an environment that discourages misconduct. Students need to remain aware that instructors have access to and the right to use electronic and other means of detection. Please note: Whether or not a student intended to commit academic misconduct is not relevant for a finding of guilt. Hurried or careless submission of assignments does not excuse students from responsibility for verifying the academic integrity of their work before submitting it. Students who are in any doubt as to whether an action on their part could be construed as an academic offence should consult with a faculty member or faculty advisor.

The Academic Misconduct Policy is detailed in the University Calenders:


The University of Guelph is committed to creating a barrier-free environment. Providing services for students is a shared responsibility among students, faculty and administrators. This relationship is based on respect of individual rights, the dignity of the individual and the University community's shared commitment to an open and supportive learning environment. Students requiring service or accommodation, whether due to an identified, ongoing disability or a short-term disability should contact the Student Accessibility Services (SAS), formerly Centre for Students with Disabilities (CSD), as soon as possible.

For more information, contact CSD at 519-824-4120 ext. 56208 or email sas@uoguelph.ca or visit the Student Accessibility Services website: http://www.uoguelph.ca/csd/.

Course Evaluation Information

Your ratings and comments are important.  Course evaluation data are used to assess and enhance the quality of teaching and student learning at the University of Guelph.  Student course ratings and comments are used as an important component in the Faculty Tenure & Promotion process, and as valuable feedback to help instructors improve their teaching effectiveness and to improve the delivery of the course.

Your responses will not affect your grade.  Course evaluation data are distributed to individual instructors after final grades have been submitted to the Registrar, following the completion of each academic semester.

Please be honest, respectful, constructive and thorough.  Instructors and review committees place great value on student course ratings and read all comments provided in course evaluations. It is helpful to provide comments on the strengths of the course, in addition to the areas for improvement.  Please refrain from personal comments unless they relate to teaching and learning.

Click here for the University of Guelph Course Evaluation System